Hello. Hope you're all having a lovely Sunday! Whether you’re relaxing or prepping for the week ahead, including self- care in your day-to-day routine is a big deal.
Sometimes we get too distracted with our day-to-day tasks to remember that our wellbeing is just as important as that paper due next week or your project proposal deadline. The more you take the time in small and simple ways to nurture yourself, the better you will be at supporting others.
There are many types of ways you can practice self- care depending on your individual needs at a particular time. At times, you may find yourself needing one form of self-care more than another- use this post to guide you when you’re seeking out a form of self-care and don’t know where to start! I honestly feel as though all forms of self-care are validated and important. We should be incorporating at least a couple of them when practicing (what are you practicing).
Lately, with the cards we've all been dealt, I find myself falling into a rut of hopelessness and loneliness which makes it hard to get out of bed some days. When I find myself spiraling, I feel a need to do something to give my day purpose as I look for that overall sense of accomplishment.
Doing something for yourself is an accomplishment in itself that you should feel good about. By breaking down your understanding of self-care into six different groups, it gives you a better framework to help understand your own needs and how you can properly nurture them!
#1- Physical Self- Care When people hear the word 'self- care', they associate it with the physical kind. Taking the time to take care of our bodies is a significant component to self- care, yes; however, it does not mean we have to put our bodies through an intense one hour workout session everyday. It can be challenging to include exercise in your routine, especially when you are already feeling incredibly busy in your everyday life. Even the thought of adding another challenging task to your schedule may feel incredibly daunting. The key with self- care is that it should be something you enjoy to do. When you find that something is feeling more like an obligation than a form of release, it may start to increase your stress levels rather than decreasing them. SOME IDEAS: -Stretching for 10- 20 minutes -Yoga -Incorporating fruits & vegetables at every meal that day -Hydrating (set a goal for how much you want to drink that day) -Go for a walk -Dance Workout videos (you can find on Youtube)
#2- Emotional Self- CareEmotional self- care revolves around becoming in tune with your emotions. Check in with yourself, become mindful of your thoughts, thinking patterns, personal triggers, and what makes you, you. This category of self- care helps you in finding ways to work through your feelings as opposed to bottling them up inside. Feeling your emotions is part of being a human being, if you need to laugh, cry, feel anger, do it! It's okay to feel the emotions you are feeling. By implementing emotional self- care into your daily routines, you can learn to be more compassionate to yourself and your emotions. SOME IDEAS: -Journaling (A few tips: Don't care about grammar, don't think too much into what you write, don't worry about how it reads or sounds. keep a regular writing time.) -Being creative (Express your emotions through art, baking, cooking etc..)-Start a gratitude list (Every morning write 5 simple things you are grateful for, it really helps put things into perspective. For example: good health, ability to walk, pets, roof over your head, and food on the table. -Listening to podcasts (currently listening to Jay Shetty's " On Purpose" Podcast. Also helps to reflect on with journaling. -Set boundaries- its okay to say no and not have a reason, sometimes you need a break.-Practising mindfulness and meditation- living more in the now. #3- Spiritual Self- Care Spiritual self- care feeds your soul and gives you inner peace while giving a little comport in the understanding of life beyond yourself. This category of self- care does not mean it has to be religious, however, it can be if you choose. Sometimes you may be feeling so disconnected from reality and don't see the point of being, which can take a toll on you. Feeling a connection with something bigger than yourself can help you find some purpose in your being by giving you the courage and power to get through tough times and inspire hope in your life. SOME IDEAS -Practise meditation -Disconnect from your phone- for an hour or a day, whatever you feel you need, do just that. -Spend time in nature -Write your gratitude list -Create affirmations for yourself (ex. your past does not define you, you are beautiful strong and capable of anything you focus your mind and energy into) #4- Intellectual Self- CareMore often than not, we tend to underestimate the importance of our intellectual well-being. When you are in need of this type of self care, think of activities that will help you gain knowledge, challenge you, and refresh your mind. It can also be an activity that includes picking up a new skill. SOME IDEAS -Reading a book -Learning a new language or brushing up on one you already know (I use the app Duo Lingo) -Taking a course on something that interests you -Watching a documentary on a topic you’re interested in learning more about
#5- Social Self- Care
Right now more than ever we are craving that feeling of being connected with others. By nature, humans are social beings. Reaching out to your support system of individuals who you trust and nourishing these relations can be an example of this type of self- care. Although we may not be able to connect in person, there are many ways we can satisfy this need of human connection.
-Virtual Zoom exercise classes
-Spending time with loved ones you live with
-Video chatting your friend or friend groups
-Striking up a conversation with someone at the coffee shop or the grocery store where you regularly go to
#6- Sensory Self- CareSensory self -care is an effective way of bringing your mind into the present moment and helping you decrease your stress levels. It helps to nourish your senses- sight, smell, taste, touch and sound. When you focus on the present, it help you to better cope with your worries of the past and future. Activities relating to this form of self- care can be effective to soothe an anxious and overthinking mind. SOME IDEAS -Listening to your favourite playlist -Walking and getting some fresh air -Spending time in nature -Take a warm shower/ bath -Burn your favourite scented candle