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  • Writer's pictureMellina Mallah

2021 Goals

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

I'm not one to usually partake in "New Years Goals/ Resolutions". However I do like to set goals that are realistic, this way I don't disappoint myself or feel like I failed. I personally feel as though we set ourselves up for failure when we set extremely high standards for ourselves, especially without an action plan. I like to start small. I know it can be difficult to come up with some goals so hopefully my list can spark some ideas for your own!

A few of my current goals are:

- to improve my fashion sense and wardrobe

- Get outside more (whether that be a 10 min stroll or 1 hour walk)

- Move my body for a min. of 30 minutes a day (at the gym/ home, yoga, stretching..)

- Cook more home meals and get creative with it

- Read at least 15 minutes a day

- Disconnect from technology

- Journal (anything) daily

- Blog 1-2x a week

- Learn photography techniques

- Stay in the present, don't think too hard on the past nor the future

Since being in a 3rd lockdown out of work, I have had lots of time to explore different hobbies and interests during the alone time recently! Majority of these goals are to touch into my creative side as well as my personal well being!

A few things to always remember:

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